A high performing Board of Directors has the power to help already successful companies excel and others to find their footing and grow. Our Board Advisory practice is here to help you build your A-Team.
A mainstay for your board
Building, maintaining, and nurturing an effective Board of Directors is a tremendous challenge. Not only because it requires alignment, structure, and engagement – but increasingly also the willingness to think outside of the box and the courage to break with norms. The public scrutiny on Boards has grown over the years. Similarly, there is a growing body of research that indicates that when mirroring the customers’ and employees’ demographic makeup, a Board may be significantly more effective in helping a firm grow, transition, or turn around.
Yet dealing with these forces can be daunting. Especially when grappling with challenges based on disruptive technologies, drivers of shareholder value, as well as the seemingly mundane issues related to chair rotations, recruitment, assessment, and compensation. As entrepreneurs, executives, and board members ourselves, we understand many challenges from a first-hand perspective. We are here for you as sparring partner and advisor. Board Advisory
Following topics fall into our wheelhouse:
- Demographics & Diversity
- Chair committee rotations
- Disruptive Forces & Transformation
- Corporate Governance
- External Pressures
- Drivers of shareholder value
- Recruitment, Assessment & Compensation
Mainstay Human Capital Advisory: We are an employee owned human capital advisory firm; rooted in private markets and active internationally. Who we are, contact. Webdesign by 8reasons & Jess Creation